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Welcome our new Utility Clerk!


I am proud to introduce the Town of Kirklin's newest employee, Karla Bucheli! She is our new utility clerk and is the first person you will see when you walk into Town Hall. Most of you only see us when we are applying your payment however there is much more that we do up here so we ask that you kindly give her grace and patience as she learns her new position. She's doing a great job and we are so blessed to have her here. She is originally from Ecuador and is teaching me some Spanish, which I am enjoying. She has a husband named George and a 5 year old daughter named Connie. She is looking forward to getting to know you as she will see some of you regularly each month and before you know it, she will be able to greet you by name! Call Karla at 765-279-8786 if you have any questions regarding your utility account, need to make a payment over the phone, want to reserve the Community Center, or just have general questions. If she doesn't know, she will ask or transfer you over to me, and over time she, too, will be able to answer any questions you may have! Thank you for your patience as she learns the ins and outs of small government!
